M Ling Wai P HK

Want to download M Ling Wai P HK?

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What is the M Ling Wai P HK font?

M Ling Wai is a humanistic script based on a real handwritten style. It has a feminine, urban and lively character filled with literate finesse.
M Ling Wai was written with a thin ball pen by a young woman in a unique, personal, running writing style, such that it is real, natural and feminine. Contrast of strokes is low and the text is visible and eye-catching. Its light to medium stems (豎) make it suitable for small text and subheading with little conglutination. All strokes are highly irregular, inconsistent, irregularly oriented and tightly coupled or connected. Spatial distribution, positioning, size and relative proportion of radicals fully reflect a natural and personal favor. More…
It is one of the first proportional width font in a full scale. It is best suited for casual lively text, illustrations, set upright (non-slanted), non-condensed.

M Ling Wai P HK Font families

The M Ling Wai P HK includes the following font families:

  • M Ling Wai P HK Light

M Ling Wai P HK Preview

Here is a preview of how M Ling Wai P HK will look. For more previews using your own text as an example, click here.

Is M Ling Wai P HK a free to download font?

I'm afraid not. M Ling Wai P HK is not free to download. You will need to pay for it with your hard earn money. Most fonts that we feature on PimpMyFonts.com is a premium font. We do have a Free Fonts category where we showcase all of the best free fonts that you can download. Trust me when I say, don't waste your time searching for a free download of M Ling Wai P HK. You will not find a link anywhere.

It is highly unlikely that you'll be able to find M Ling Wai P HK for free. You might see a few websites that will say "Free Download" of M Ling Wai P HK font, but these are just attempts to get you to click on a link which will either take you to an ad landing page or you risk getting viruses on your computer. In the rare occasion that you do find a free download for M Ling Wai P HK remember that it's illegal to use a font if you didn't pay for it!

If you really want M Ling Wai P HK and you want to truly own it the legal and safe way, then click here to visit the download and purchase page on MyFonts.com. Here you will be able to obtain the proper license. The designer and publisher deserves to be paid for their work, as they have put in the hours and the creativity to produce such an amazing font. Good luck with your purchase and future use of this font. :)